Ransomware Simplified

Our Ransomware solutions are simple, cost effect and tailored specifically for SMEs. Now there is no reason to be excluded and unprotected.
Free ransomware assessment
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Managed Security Services

The Ransomware Problem

Cybersecurity threats continue to rise, but none so much more so than Ransomware. Recently, international Ransomware Gangs have proliferated and made huge sums of money through the Ransomware payments. In fact, in a recent report Gartner states that " Threat of New Ransomware Models is the Top Emerging Risk Facing Organizations."

This year on year rise in Ransomware is because it is so effective. Once an organisation is infected by Ransomware, all workstations, laptops and servers are encrypted and unusable. This effectively stops an organisation in its tracks. All business operations which depended upon those information systems and the data they contain are halted.

Larger organisations and Enterprises may have in place existing expensive backup and recovery systems, but even so it can still take weeks, even months to fully recover all systems. Paying the Ransome can be a much quicker, if a very expensive solution. For organisations without sophisticated backup and recover plans there is little other choice than to pay. Until now.

Ransomeware Couldn't Happen to Me? 

Unfortunately, yes it could and SME's are especially vulnerable. Not only do ransomware gangs target organisations with lower levels of cyber security protection, and hence are easier to attack, but also organisations who are likely to pay the Ransome to recover business operations.  SME's fit both of these categories perfectly and the Ransomeware Gangs know this.

As a result SME's are facing unprecedented levels of Ransomware Attacks. As a Ransomware Attack can halt all business operations, SMEs cannot afford to be non operational for any protracted length of time. Unfortunately, paying the Ransome is often the only way forward to ensure the organisation can recover quickly and survive.

How to Protect Against Ransomware

Our 3 step program is designed specifically for SMEs so that it is quick, inexpensive and unobtrusive. In a short timeframe your organisation could drastically reduce its likelihood of being victim to an expensive, or at worst business destroying Ransomware Attack.  

Finally, there is good news. You can drastically reduce the likelihood of a Ransomware Attack upon your organisation in relatively simple, quick and cost effective steps, avoiding the need for large and expensive cyber security programs usually exclusive to Enterprises.  

1 Free Consultation

Speak with our Ransomware Cyber Security expert to quickly understand what Ransomware Risks your organisation faces and also find out what steps other similar organisations take to protect against Ransomware.

2 Ransomware Assessment

Our Ransomware Security experts conducts a formal Ransomware Assessment to assess how well your organisation would withstand a Ransomware attack from a range of current Ransomware Groups and their different attack techniques.

3 Ransomware Controls

In the final step, our Ransomware Security experts produce a report which detail specific changes, many of which may cost little to implement, which you can make to vastly improve your resilience against Ransomeware Attacks.

Next Steps

With our Ransomware Security Controls in place, you can stop worrying about Ransomware and get on with your core Business.

Speak now with a Ransomware Security Expert for a free consultation about Ransomware Attacks against your organisation and how to be protected with our effective security controls and SOC in a Box monitoring platforms.

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